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The Energy of Self-Worth You Set the Standard for How You Are Treated

February 10, 20251 min read

The way people treat you is often a reflection of the energy you allow.

💡 If you undervalue yourself, others will too.

💡 If you don’t set boundaries, people will keep crossing them.

💡 If you don’t believe you deserve more, you will settle for less.


How to Raise Your Self-Worth

🌿 1. Set Clear Boundaries & Stick to Them

• No is a complete sentence.

• Boundaries don’t push people away—they attract the right ones.

🌿 2. Stop Accepting Less Than You Deserve

• You don’t have to prove your worth to anyone.

• The right people will value you without conditions.

🌿 3. Speak to Yourself Like Someone You Love

• The way you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you.

• Raise your standards—and watch your world shift.


Rumi’s Wisdom

"Do not sell yourself short. You are the universe in ecstatic motion."

✨ When you know your worth, the world rises to meet you.


Reflective Question:

Where in your life do you need to raise your standards?

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