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The Wisdom in Delays What You Call a Setback Is a Setup for Something Greater

February 10, 20252 min read

We love speed.

We want everything now.

If something takes too long, we assume it’s going wrong.

But what if delays are actually divine protection?

💡 What if that relationship ending saved you from something painful?

💡 What if that job rejection redirected you to something greater?

💡 What if your prayers are being answered—but in ways you can’t see yet?


How to Trust Divine Timing

🌙 1. Shift from frustration to trust

The delays are not denials—they are divine detours.

🌙 2. Recognise that a “no” is just a “not yet” or “not this way”

Every rejection is a redirection to something better suited for your soul’s journey.

🌙 3. Stay patient, but stay ready

Your test is in waiting gracefully, but also in preparing for what you’ve asked for.

✨ What’s meant for you will always find you—at the perfect time.


Rumi’s Wisdom

"Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you."


Reflective Question:

What is one delay in your life that you can reframe as divine timing?


Embracing Change with Faith

Fear Ends Where Trust Begins

By Umm Sadiq

Change is scary.

Even when we know it’s for the best, we resist.

💡 Why?

Because change demands us to trust in the unseen.

But I’ve learned that every time I resisted change, I delayed my own growth, healing, and blessings.


How to Move Through Change Gracefully

🌿 1. Stop resisting what’s already happening

Fighting change is exhausting. Acceptance brings peace.

🌿 2. Trust that what’s being removed is making space for something better

✨ Allah does not take without giving.

✨ Every loss is a redirection.

🌿 3. Ask: “What is this change teaching me?”

Instead of fearing change, learn from it.


Rumi’s Wisdom

"Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop."


Reflective Question:

What is one change in your life that you can embrace instead of resist?

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