CII - Endings are the New Beginnings

Umm Sadiq • 12 May 2022

I am definitely not the same person I was when the year started

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Seneca

As the year comes to an end and every where the talk of New Year Resolutions starts. I like to create space to slow down and reflect.

If you really want something you have to create a vacuum for it. It was time to take action on my dreams by letting go of things which were consuming me and not allowing to me to be person I wanted to be. As I reflected I realised I need to shed anything that was a stop gap and use my stepping stones to move on to where I want to be.

I am so excited for the new me.

I thought I would share my rules for turning endings into new beginnings

  1. Learn new things
  2. Failure is not something to be afraid of as endings are opportunities for new beginnings
  3. Realise every step is necessary and appreciate what you learn.
  4. Be willing to change
  5. Write a personal mission statement
  6. Own your uniqueness
  7. A difference of opinion is an opportunity for growth
  8. Take imperfect action
  9. Trust your intuition
  10. Socialise and meet new people.
  11. Work on yourself

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