Conscious Muslimah Mindset

"When you let go of who you are, you become who you need to be…"

Become the most POWERFUL Version of Yourself Possible

In 45 Minutes/Twice A Month

This Is For You If...

You crave a
Muslimah Mindset
focused on growth, personally & professionally, every single day… you dream big and have been told that your vision can be "too much", but you know this is your superpower.

You want to
navigate through life being carried, not dragged

by every event and emotion you feel, but you still want to experience each moment. You have been told you are too sensitive, but you no longer wish to be at the mercy and validation of others.

refuse to be known by your past or limited by your mistakes.

You are
ready for a season of Elevation, not to retreat, and you know that with the proper guidance & spiritual Mindset, you can do exceptional things


recognise Bad Habits carry positive intentions
and are not ready to install habits that serve you

This mastermind coaching group is

'Conscious Muslimah Mindset Membership'

Have you pondered if we could find the Mindset we are looking for in Qur'an and Sunnah and the biographies of the greats?

I am launching a tool you can use whether you are a home carer, home school, work, or balance all three.

  • The best. You can access it whether you're rich or you're struggling.

  • Once a month, we will have hot seat coaching.

  • Twice a month for 45 minutes, I will document the Muslimah Mindset from Qur'an to the greatest thinkers, speakers & leaders in Islamic history with practical application. It will be a mental exercise for your perspective each week, and you will also be to access how I have developed my Mindset and created Conscious Coaching.

  • It will also grant you access to a community of like-minded practitioners for masterminding and a live event once a year.

We Will Cover

  • Qur'anic Mindset

  • Mindset of the pious

  • Growth

  • Energy

  • Gratitude

  • Productivity

  • Emotions

  • Generosity

  • Confidence

  • Thought

  • Purpose

  • Money

  • Love

  • Hardships

  • Victim Mentality

  • Wealth

  • Health

  • Abundance

The Muscles We Cultivate

  • Yaqeen

  • Tawakal

  • Rizq

  • Barakah

  • Gaybh

  • Shukr

  • Love

We will pull out the secrets weekly, and you will grow in vulnerability, feminity, grace, and power.

This mastermind coaching group is called "Conscious Muslimah Mindset Membership", and it is for you; if you are ready to grow the way you think… as a by-product, everything you touch will grow with you.

The Investment From YOU







Love is the Mindset of a believer balanced with fear and hope, cloaked with Gratitude. In everything, there is both a spiritual and a physical component.

Your life reflects both your Spiritual (Your inner world) and Physical (Your outer world). Spiritual Elevation is impossible without Physical Elevation and a change in your MINDSET.

In the same way, your outer world will only change once your inner world does.

Meet Your Coach

Umm Sadiq

Is an experienced certified and accredited Master Coach and an internationally recognised NLP Master practitioner and a hypnotherapist. She is also a trainer in NLP, Time Line Resourcing®, Hypnosis and Mind and Emotional Mastery Coaching.

She is currently working towards being a Master Trainer of NLP which is the highest recognised qualification. She will also become one of the first Muslim NLP Trainers in the UK.

I noticed new age spirituality and its hype had led many away from seeking a mindset from the deep traditions gifted in Islam.

Now don't get me wrong. I am all for wisdom is the lost property of the believer. But my specialty lies in finding the connection between Secular Tools and Islamic Spirituality.

Being a student of knowledge and being exposed to the deep roots of a growth mindset and our faith. I wanted to create a membership that ELEVATED the Mindset of the Muslimah, taking the pearls from years of traditions without charging a fortune for the time.

Conscious Coaching with myself is expensive because of the depth it goes into and the growth it creates, but only some people are ready for it, NOR can I work with


I am here to facilitate healing and not overwhelm those unprepared for it(now or never). I remember how daunting this can be in the beginning, and there is a universal level we can all take.

Where do we get our "examples" to model? Where do we learn the habits and routines, and perspectives?

From the great men and women of our rich history, when mixed with real-life applications.

During Ramadan, I delivered a program on
Raising God's Consciousness through raising Self Consciousness.

It became apparent that there was a gap. It was the Muslimah Mindset. Many of us spend years gaining knowledge in spiritual circles but need help to model the Mindset of our pious predecessors.

We joked about the Muslimah Mindset, and many women asked for a program on Muslimah Mindset.

As I sat and pondered, I realised the key to any opening was the spiritual world, which the physical world followed. This required a less tangible but powerful mindset. How you feel about yourself and the world as it relates to your values, beliefs about money, etc., affects your spiritual practices and personal faith in Allah and, in turn, your value as a Muslimah.

What is our greatest source?

It is Qur'an and Sunnah.

Have you pondered if we could find the Mindset we are looking for in Qur'an and Sunnah and the biographies of the greats?

If yes .. then this is the Membership for YOU

Nurturing Hearts, Empowering Souls: Unveiling the Conscious Muslimah Within!


What is the starting Date?


Who is this course for?

For soulful women who want to uplevel, connect to their spirituality and focus on healing, finding contentment and working towards making their dreams a reality.

How long will the session be?

A two hour session twice a month which includes teaching, group coaching, growth work and healing.

Will it also include coaching?

A 121 complimentary coaching session as part of the Program.

Elevating Minds, Inspiring Hearts: The Resonating Power of the Conscious Muslimah, Revered by All!

Are you ready to Become the most POWERFUL Version of Yourself Possible?

Join The 'Muslimah Mindset Membership' Now


Join now and get access to this Community!

Email: [email protected] Phone: 07712131779

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