Majnu: the crazy one in love

Umm Sadiq • 25 February 2021

If a madman does not talk about madness, then what does he talk about...

When you are in the presence of the People of God, and you see them shed a tear and the mind wanders how? Matters of the heart are not explained; they are felt. But why and how do some feel it and others either don't desire it or die trying. A teacher once said, these things were received and not achieved. May we be amongst the receivers and the achievers.

I never understood divine love. It was an enigma to me. I would see the crazy ones, but nobody wanted to know them. I would hear about these people who were intoxicated by this love, but to be honest I never met any sane lovers back then. I suppose I never made the intention for this, so how could it manifest. In my world, love like Majnu was crazy; what a waste to die for love.

What did stay with me was the interaction between Majnu and the man in prayer. The man was angry when Majnu walked before him as he felt his prayer had been broken. But in Majnu's eyes if he was truly in love with the Divine, he would not have seen him. The lover only saw the lover and was blind to the rest. These tales were all parables for divine love. Like Plato says at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet; that was what all these tales were about.

For a long time I did not know any real mystics who I could ask about this, so instead I would ask my friends and family. Nobody got me. They thought I was mad - how ironic! It was an experiential affair and that it began from experiencing human love and then you could enter the court of the divine. Heartbreak was the price for entering the divine court. And until you entered it, you had to follow the footsteps of those who had already arrived.

Now if someone had said all this to me, a few years ago, I would have said what airy fairy stuff is this. I did not get it at all. But all when the heart breaks, can you truly feel what it is meant that the 'light enters where the wound is'. In order to heal you have to see your broken parts so you can focus on healing them. Like I always say, you can't give something you have without first knowing you have it. This is similar to negative emotions, you can't let them go until you acknowledge you have it.

Despite all of this I still did not get the mystical love. Something had changed though, there was no longer no need to talk about it. I had set my intentions and surrendered. It would manifest if it was meant to be in divine timing. On my part I had to continue healing and evolving and until then I would just look at the lovers with awe and pray I could have a drop of that love.

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